
Sunday 28 July 2013

Congo M23 Rebels Are Planning a Massacre

After realising that the people hate and will never support M23 Rebel out-fit, the rebel handlers in Rwanda, are now planning to use plan C-Massacre civilians till they lose the appetite to live.
This plan has always worked for Paul Kagame-Massacre civilians and make it look like it was a third party that did it. Then forcefully take ownership of their property. This has been a pattern that the notorious Rwandan Tyrant, Paul Kagame has employed in all his killing fields.

What is really causing all that paranoia ??

This paranoia can be attributed to three factors:
  1. International anger-everyone seems to be pissed off by one little  fuck called Paul Kagame - endless blackmails and arrogant innuendos.
  2. The battle field has not delivered the war-spoils in favor of the bandits as expected, but disaster after disaster. This has led to  formation of  splinter groups(at least 3) within the  militia out-fit. There's a section mainly indigenous Congolese that seem to have realised that all along, they had been fooled by a clique from Rwanda, into believing that - they were fighting for a just cause and not for a criminal enterprise. The other group is made of extremists such as Vinney Kazarama , Sultani Makenga ,etc. This group only has allegiance to  their fellow criminal-Paul Kagame, and they don't give a damn whether 1000 lives of their own soldiers are lost in one day, as their mission is to  pursue Yerusalemu in the Kivus.  The later group is made of Uganda contingent within M23. This group is only answerable to  Uganda intelligence services, Indian business Men, Nigerian con men, etc. Basically little fucks. This group seem to be on the run-thus, their support seem to be dwindling- its evident that their return in blood  is not going to be a walk-over.Thus, they rather shift to  Northern Kivu(Beni) and use  Uganda ADF(Allied Democratic Forces) impostors to create mayhem so that the Ugandan Army can legally match into DRC on the pretex of pursuing the ADF
  3. The third factor that is not getting the deserved attention, is the political climate in Rwanda. What is happening in Rwanda can be described as  a free fall of Paul Kagame. The regime is so weak(forget the guns) that paranoia seems to be the order of the day. The army has the highest rate of dessertion in the world after Uganda (UPDF)- I will have to write a special article on this
This third factor  has also affected  Rwanda sponsored terrorism operations in the DRC and the general morale of Rwandan soldiers seems to be at its lowest since 1992. That's why we hear of forced recruitment for M23 inside Rwanda. The task to recruit from the reseve forces has been given to the Notorious killer, Rwanda's Chief of Staff for the reserve forces-Gen Fred Ibingira. In fact, this killer was spotted in Bunagana, just two weeks a go, drinking  beer with three  well known Rwandan serving officers.

 For the first-time,  a section of Rwanda Defence Forces(RDF) are providing vital intelligence to Fardac and mixed units(Hutu/Tutsi) of Rwanda opposition fighting groups(not FDLR) seem to be working together, and have carried out  several ambushes on Kagame's royalists that had tried to sneak into DRC. In fact, its well known that at times, they hit them inside Rwanda to discourage the lot from coming to Congo.

UN-backed Radio Okapi reports that:
Thy accused the rebel movement of creating a climate of fear in the towns located in North Kivu, where all commercial activities have been banned. The population complains of not being able to access their fields because of the uncertainty created by the M23, even as agriculture is their livelihood. “We cannot enjoy the fruits of our crops, or by consuming or selling them to live, he told the Chief of MONUSCO’s Office  in North Kivu, Virgillio Ray Torres, during a visit on Friday, July 26.
The UN News Centre also reported on the climate of terror being created by the M23 rebels as they feel the squeeze from the Congolese army since fighting resumed in mid-July:
MONUSCO also received “reliable allegations” that approximately twenty houses in Kiwanja, Rutshuru territory, were looted on 24 July by members of the M23. “After the looting, members of the M23 allegedly abducted at least forty men accused of participating in the looting and subsequent torching of huts and payment points used by M23 combatants,” the Mission said.
The M23 rebels have always been very unpopular in the regions they have occupied. They have often summoned people to rallies to try to make it look as if they enjoy support from the local population.
But fed up with the rebels’ many abuses, reports are emerging of more and more people taking matter in their own hands to defend themselves. More and more people are creating self-defense groups and decide to attack rebel positions.
Already under pressure from a rejuvenated Congolese army, and after facing multiple airstrikes during the last two weeks, the rebels are said to be in disarray and showing signs of panic.
We can only hope and pray for the youths in Rutshuru, who dared to confront the M23 rebels after being summoned to a rally.