
Thursday 2 January 2014

Colonel Mamadou N'Dala killed

Colonel Mamadou Ndala Commando Brigade commander was killed this Thursday, Jan. 2 in an ambush attributed to Ugandan rebels of the Adf-Nalu in the village called Ngadi between airport Mavivi and Beni town (North Kivu). Reached by telephone, the government spokesman Lambert Mende confirmed the news. 

Colonel Mamadou Ndala, who helped to secure the military defeat of the M23 rebel group in November, died of his injuries after a rocket attack on his vehicle near the village of Mazizi in North Kivu province, Mende said.
According to military sources, several members of the convoy were also killed. For now, the Nepalese peacekeepers MONUSCO, arrived on the scene, are working to extinguish the fire set by the attackers in one of the vehicles in the convoy. It has lost several of its members whose number remains to be determined.
Shortly before the confirmation of his death, his bodyguard, Corporal Paul Safari, has this testimony:
"A rocket has reached the right side of the road and hit our jeep, topped with a heavy weapon. I started to pull up finish all my ammunition, but our attackers always advancing. When the rocket hit the jeep, the colonel was still alive. When I ran, I did not see out of the car, I do not know if he is alive or not. "
Colonel Mamadou N'Dala has been at the forefront in the operations of the Armed Forces of the DRC against the M23. After dislodging the rebels Nyiragongo and Rutshuru , rumors had announced his succession Goma to Kinshasa.
This rumor was sparked in July of protests in the streets of Goma (North Kivu) where young people had demonstrated to demand the retention of the military officer.
Mamadou Ndala was obliged to deny this rumor  , saying: "It is not true, it's a rumor. Manipulation of rebels who want to destabilize the morale of the population and troops engaged on the ground. "
Colonel Mamadou N'Dala led another operation against Ugandan rebels of the Adf-Nalu . The army had already managed to recover the town Kamango , Kisikiand bridge Semliki, formerly occupied by the rebels.
This is when the convoy FARDC arrived in the village called Ngadi, he was targeted by rebels who killed Colonel Mamadou Ndala.

Source: Radio Okapi