
Friday 3 January 2014

United Nations Condemns The killing of Colonel Mamadou N'Dala

The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the DRC, Martin Kobler, condemned the assassination of Colonel Mamadou N'Dala killed Thursday, Jan. 2 in an ambush by unidentified gunmen 5 kilometers from Beni in North Kivu. In a statement released the same day, the head of MONUSCO expresses its deep indignation and sadness after the assassination.

I met Colonel Mamadou repeatedly. It was a dynamic and courageous man. His family is suffering, nothing compensates for the emptiness that comes dig up the loss of a loved one. My mind and heart are with them , "said Martin Kobler.
The head of the UN mission in the DRC ensures that the assassination of FARDC officer "will in no way the firm determination of MONUSCO to fight against negative forces wherever they are and whatever their motives" .
In his statement, he says that pressure "will be held on armed groups, in accordance with the mandate entrusted to MONUSCO by the Security Council of the UN to protect civilians and restoring the authority of the Congolese state in the East. "

At the time of his death,Colonel Mamadou N'Dala led operation against Ugandan rebel ADF / Nalu
The army had already managed to recover the town Kamango, Kisiki and bridge Semliki, formerly occupied by the rebels. MONUSCO had provided logistical support to the army in its cons-offensive to recover the positions of the ADF-Nalu to Kamango.
"Officer disciplined and loyal"
In a statement read on state television in the evening, door-talking FARDC, General Leon Kasonga expressed regret and pain of the army after the assassination of Colonel Mamadou Ndala.
"Best value, great fighter Officer, Mamadou Ndala was an officer of integrity, disciplined and loyal," he has said.
The spokesman of the army said that despite this act, "the Armed Forces of the DRC are determined to secure our people to the supreme sacrifice."
Colonel Mamadou Ndala was the commander of the 42 th Battalion of rapid reaction units. Formed by U.S. or Chinese Belgian instructors, Angola, the officer of thirty years was one of those mobile commandos of the new rapid reaction force of the Congolese army which he led a unit.
Consternation in Goma
The death of Colonel Mamadou N'Dala dismayed several inhabitants of the town of Goma, where he was appreciated for his involvement in the fighting against the rebels of the M23. FARDC officer was at the forefront during the operations of the Congolese army against rebellion in October and November.
A resident of Goma told the officer that the Congolese army was for him "the one who has restored dignity to the Congolese in Goma, inflicting a crushing defeat to the M23 on the outskirts of the city and surroundings . "
In Goma, Colonel Mamadou was particularly revered by the drivers of motorbike taxis and military ranks, excited when they saw him pass every morning when jogging.
At the announcement of the death of Colonel, women military briefly marched through the streets of Goma, framed by the police. Motorcycle taxi drivers began honking. Most shops have all closed on. Some feared that the news of the assassination provokes violent reactions in the city.