
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Congo Art; The The other Design

This week I decide to break the rules of design and experimented with new ways of seeing things-Good designers can't create stuff without risking. I could say that this is good for the project especially when conceptualizing elegance with Kikongo
Maybe for those that are just visiting for the first-time this Blog and haven't followed the previous posts-this is a project that is meant to use digital Art(3D, Animation,Illustration,etc) as a tool for conflict resolution. Thus, the final result will be used to interact with  all stake-holders of the region to find solutions that unites everyone without resorting to violence.

Every time when I seat down and get into the project, new ideas come-up. For those still waiting for the Kinshasa city, I can say that its going well and  it should be out soon

 This character's design, is inspired by the ancient Congo princes test for fashion-I think fashion flows deeply in Congolese psyche. Its believed that the great explorer Stanley when he labored on behalf of King Leopold of Belgium, to survey the basin of the Upper Congo River with a view to establishing his own imperial enclave in Central Africa-He was shocked with the elegance Congolese portrayed.
 Its believed that the powerful ruler of Ndongo and Matanda Kingdoms(present day Angola)- Queen Nzinga Mbande, used to employ Congolese designers to dress her up.

 I used the Bambuti (pygmy) folk stories-hunting rituals and body paint to decode a famous folk story a bout a Mumbuti great hunter

 I'm sure the story would become more interesting after the animation is done

 This is how we could use the design for animation and video production

Walking along Bunagana-Rutshuru road-this is a future residential concept. 

To be continued.....

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